Upcoming Events

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Soup Kitchen September 2024

Soup Kitchen September 2024

We have opportunities to prepare, cook and serve lunch at the women shelter. Beyond preparing fresh comfort food for those ladies, our short interactions bring humanity and care to those women. For as much as it is rewarding to us, it is well appreciated.

Please sign up for a slot that works for you!  You can contributewith any of the following items:
- Cooking: the main meal is a Chili Veggie Pasta that the contributor needs to prepare at home. Attached recipe.
- Cheese: 2 bags of +/- 32 oz. of shredded cheese
- Fruits: 45 to 50 pieces of either bananas and/or oranges
- Cookies: 80 to 100 cookies
Address: Esther Marie Sutton Women Center, 2499 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45206

EVERY MEAL HELPS - A huge Thank You for your support!

Please, Sign Up here!

Event Properties

Event Date 09-24-2024 11:30 am
Event End Date 09-24-2024 12:30 pm
Individual Price Free Event
Location The Esther Marie Hatton Center for Women
Attachment Chili Veggie Pasta Dish Recipe.pdf

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Email: website@pgiti.com

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