We invite you to join the Tea vs Coffee online event with guided meditation, thoughtful stories, and tea & coffee tasting ceremony. It will shake up your morning with a unique sensory experience.
You will receive a tasting package with four drink samples from eco-friendly farms, plus a surprise treat. The drinks are a selection of unusual teas, coffees, and infusions. For example a turmeric tea blend and a mushroom dark roast.
Logged in to a virtual room, we will start with mindful icebreakers followed by guided meditation, then transition to the main tasting ceremony. The meditation is accessible for all levels of experience and will be simple enough also for beginner practitioners to follow. We will learn about the origins of tea and coffee, listen to engaging stories about unique ingredients, and explanation of the flavor compounds involved.
The experience is quiet, contemplative but also engaging, wildly tasty, and reenergizing.
We offer you two sessions to choose the one that suits you best. Each session lasts an hour and a half.
-Tuesday, February 16th, from 10 am to 11:30 am.
-Wednesday, February 17th, from 10 am to 11:30 am.
NOTE: This event is open to members living in the Cincinnati area. Guests are allowed to participate if using the same device as the member.
Click on the video to see Museum Hack's description of the event.
Tea vs Coffee from Museum Hack on Vimeo.
More Info Contact:
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