PGITI's News

Dear Member,

October 2022 Chair's news

What a great start to the fiscal September has been!

Dear PGITI Members,

Happy Fall everyone! The new season is knocking on our door and nature is slowly changing into it’s autumnal colors.  We hope you all enjoy this turn of the seasons and find time to get outside at this beautiful time of the year.

What a great start to the fiscal September has been! On the 14th, we had fun at the Welcome Back Coffee in Kenwood Country Club. As always, it was a great opportunity to reconnect after the summer and to welcome newcomers to our community.  Special thanks to our guest speaker and member, Myrna Guiot, for the inspiring talk on home organization! We hope it frees us all from the scourge of clutter and the indignation of messy drawers!

Following this, on Saturday 24th, we held our Sunset Cruise on the Ohio River. Although it was our first couples event for several years, we had a fantastic turnout.  And what a great night it was.   We loved seeing so many of you catching up with friends, enjoying the steel drum music and watching the unbeatable sunset against the Cincinnati skyline. And the grand finale, the surprise fireworks show courtesy of the Reds, well that was awesome too!

Thanks to everyone who joined these two events and helped make them a success. Special thanks to our event and website teams (Elizabeth Thornton, Imama Qayoom, Chevy Machado, Ina Pfuhler, Alexandra Pooley and Veronica Leon) for organizing them!

Looking forward, there are four more events in the pipeline for the upcoming months. At the beginning October we’ll visit the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park and enjoy some beautiful art. At the end of October we’ll discover the Kanga’ Klimb adventure course at the Cincinnati Zoo with the whole family. In November, we have a Tour, Tea and Trivia event at Promont House, an authentic Victorian mansion in Milford. Finally, in December, we’ll “get crafty” and make a beautiful wooden piece for the holiday season. This could be used as a unique and thoughtful gift or a precious keepsake.

We are really looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. In the meantime, if you would like to join our leadership and give back to the PGITI community, we still have a few open positions on both our Lead Team and Interest Groups.  If you are interested please reach out to us - we would love to have you on board.  Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

Carole and Barbara

Procter & Gamble and P&G are trade names of The Procter & Gamble Company and are used pursuant to an agreement with The Procter & Gamble Company, P&G International Transferees, Inc. is an independent organization apart from The Procter & Gamble Company.

PGITI - PO Box 42240 - Cincinnati, OH - 45242-0240

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