PGITI's News

Dear Member,

April 2023 Chair's news

We have only two more months until the fiscal year ends and we break for the summer

Dear PGITI Members,

We can hardly believe it‘s already April! We have only two more months until the fiscal year ends and we break for the summer - time flies by way too quickly!

What busy last two months in has been. In mid February, we visited Rookwood Pottery and Findlay Market. The tour behind the scenes of Rookwood Pottery and the demonstration from the master potters was a great experience of an exceptional craftsmanship in our hometown Cincinnati. Some of the museum-quality pieces found a new home in houses of our members.

In March we were out in nature again for a hike at French Park which was led by our member, Anita Soares. Our Coffee Connections team made sure we were treated well with warm drinks and culinary delights after the hike.

On April 5th and 6th we are offering three pottery wheel throwing workshops. As the first two workshop filled up quickly we are offering a third workshop on April 6th. Just two and a half weeks later on April 21st we invite you to “let the Good Times Roll “ and meet your friends from our PGITI community at the Somerhaus.  This will be an evening event with asian inspired culinary highlights, music and dancing.

Our Annual General Meeting will take place on April 27th at the Kenwood Country Club. Watch out for the invite which will go out within the next couple of days. We hope to see many of you there as the election of the new leadership team for the next fiscal year will take place at the AGM.

We are sad to announce the departure of Chevy Machado, Ina Pfuhler and Murielle Benros from our lead team. They all have a long history as lead team members, and we will miss them greatly. We are thankful for all their years of service and wish them good luck in their next adventure.

Have you ever of thought of joining our Lead Team? At PGITI, we rely on members to step up and volunteer to serve with us. As people’s lives follow different curses, we always have a need to fill a couple of roles. It is a great way to make friends and learn new skills, while giving to the community. So If you are interested in joining the leadership team and willing to take on an active role for a while, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We are looking forward seeing you at one or more of the events to come. In the meantime, enjoy everything Cinci has to offer during this spring season.

Carole & Barbara

Procter & Gamble and P&G are trade names of The Procter & Gamble Company and are used pursuant to an agreement with The Procter & Gamble Company, P&G International Transferees, Inc. is an independent organization apart from The Procter & Gamble Company.

PGITI - PO Box 42240 - Cincinnati, OH - 45242-0240

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