Dear PGITI Members,
Happy April! It's hard to believe we have only a few more months until the fiscal year ends and we break for the summer. It seems that time really does fly when you having fun!
Speaking of fun, we hope that those of you who were able to join our "Lore of Gemstones" event hosted by Kirk Jewelers had a great time. It was intriguing to learn about the history and magic of gemstones. Who knew that rubies aren't always red and sapphires come in every color of the rainbow! Many thanks to our Coffees team and PGITI member Rose Lambert for a fun and informative morning!
Looking ahead we have some more fun events coming up. First, we have our Annual General Meeting which will take place on April 19th at the Kenwood Country Club. This will be a unique opportunity to learn about native plants and participate in election of our new Lead Team for the next fiscal year! We hope you will join us!
After the AGM we have our "Tales and Trails" event on April 23rd, which be a visit to Sharonville Park and Heritage Museum. This will be followed by a day of beauty and Learning on May 14th at NK Spa & Studio. Please check the website for more details of these events.
We are sad to announce the departure of Bubby Mavlankar, our Progams co-chair. We will miss her and thank her for her contributions to PGITI, especially the unforgettable party we had at the View last fall.
Finally, are still urgently calling for new Lead Team members, as we still have vacancies for our Family events chair roles. Whether you are a newly arrived member or have been here a while we would love to hear from you. Please contact us atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Best Regards,
Happy April! It's hard to believe we have only a few more months until the fiscal year ends and we break for the summer. It seems that time really does fly when you having fun!
Speaking of fun, we hope that those of you who were able to join our "Lore of Gemstones" event hosted by Kirk Jewelers had a great time. It was intriguing to learn about the history and magic of gemstones. Who knew that rubies aren't always red and sapphires come in every color of the rainbow! Many thanks to our Coffees team and PGITI member Rose Lambert for a fun and informative morning!
Looking ahead we have some more fun events coming up. First, we have our Annual General Meeting which will take place on April 19th at the Kenwood Country Club. This will be a unique opportunity to learn about native plants and participate in election of our new Lead Team for the next fiscal year! We hope you will join us!
After the AGM we have our "Tales and Trails" event on April 23rd, which be a visit to Sharonville Park and Heritage Museum. This will be followed by a day of beauty and Learning on May 14th at NK Spa & Studio. Please check the website for more details of these events.
We are sad to announce the departure of Bubby Mavlankar, our Progams co-chair. We will miss her and thank her for her contributions to PGITI, especially the unforgettable party we had at the View last fall.
Finally, are still urgently calling for new Lead Team members, as we still have vacancies for our Family events chair roles. Whether you are a newly arrived member or have been here a while we would love to hear from you. Please contact us at
Best Regards,